Announcing Sightline Featured Image

The message below was sent to the Johns Hopkins community on October 12, 2023 by Laurent Heller, Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration, Johns Hopkins University, Kevin Sowers, President, Johns Hopkins Health System, and Rich Mendola, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Johns Hopkins University and Medicine

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We are writing today to announce the launch of an exciting new business modernization project—called Johns Hopkins Sightline—to upgrade the administrative technology that supports the work of the Johns Hopkins enterprise. 

Johns Hopkins Sightline is a multi-year endeavor to plan, select, and strategically implement our next technology platform(s) and improve business processes for human resources, payroll, finance, supply chain, sponsored programs, and other essential business activities. 

In 2007, Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Medicine, and the Johns Hopkins Health System took an important step forward by adopting a single administrative technology platform – the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. However, external support for SAP is scheduled to end in December 2027, and technology has evolved significantly over the past 15 years, creating opportunities for a better user experience, streamlined processes, automation, as well as improved data management and governance. By taking advantage of these advances, Johns Hopkins can create a more efficient and effective organization, well-equipped to meet the future. 

The planning stage of the Sightline project is critical to its success. An initial team is now being formed to carefully assess our current business practices, led by Matt Nesbitt, Vice President of Financial and Administrative Systems. This team will develop a roadmap to guide us through the selection and implementation of the next ERP platform. Involvement and input from users across the Johns Hopkins enterprise will be essential as we focus on business modernization. 

In the coming weeks and months, you will hear more about Sightline. For updated information, you can look to the Sightline website.

While this business modernization initiative will require us to challenge our assumptions and adapt our practices, the end results will have transformative impacts and strengthen the foundation of Johns Hopkins for many years to come.

If you have immediate comments or questions, please email: [email protected]