Review some terminology you may encounter as you browse the Sightline website.

Business process transformation
Business process transformation involves streamlining and modernizing administrative work. Implementing next-generation technology is a part of that transformation. 

Cutover is the period when business processes will be transferred from SAP to Workday. To ensure a smooth transition, certain kinds of activities or transactions will be limited or suspended during the cutover period to help ensure accurate data moves to the new system and errors are minimized if transactions are entered into SAP after information starts moving into Workday. 

Data cleanup
Data cleanup is the process of fixing or removing incorrect, incomplete, or duplicate data from a dataset and is an important step in preparing data for an ERP system implementation to improve data quality, simplify data migration, optimize system performance, and improve user adoption.  

End user 
End users are individuals who use the system (Workday/SAP) to execute the processes in any or all the functional areas of Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, and Sponsored Research.  

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 
An enterprise resource planning system is software used to manage an organization’s key business processes and workflows in areas such as finance, human resources, procurement, and sponsored research. Johns Hopkins has used SAP as its ERP system since 2007 and is replacing it with Workday. 

Foundation Data Model (FDM) 
The Foundation Data Model (FDM) is how Workday organizes financial information. Workday has a robust classification system for transactions that allows for excellent financial, operational, and external reporting. 

Functional areas 
Functional areas are the mission-supporting categories of work that include finance, human resources, procurement, and sponsored research. 

Human Capital Management (HCM) 
Human Capital Management (HCM) is another way of describing Human Resources and is the term Workday uses when referring to human resource functions. 

Sightline is a multi-year program across Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Health System that aims to: 

  • Support better ways of working 
  • Modernize business processes 
  • Introduce advanced technology solutions  

Workday is the cloud-based technology platform selected to replace SAP at Johns Hopkins.