Sightline’s Faculty Advisory Committee assures early and ongoing faculty engagement throughout the program. Faculty will engage in the selection of the new technology platform, the redesign of key processes, testing and validating new technology and processes, and providing inputs on training needs, strategy, and content. 

Bruce AndersonBruce Anderson
Associate Teaching Professor & French Language
Program Director

Krieger School of Arts ​and Sciences​
Kristen BrownKristen Brown​
Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Simulation ​
and Immersive Learning

School of Nursing​
Linda CarlingLinda Carling
Associate Research Professor and Center Director, Center for Technology Education,
School of Education
Paul MathewsPaul Mathews
Associate Dean for Conservatory Faculty & Education, Professor​
Peabody Institute
Monica MugnierMonica Mugnier
Associate Professor​, Molecular Microbiology & Immunology​
Bloomberg School of Public Heath
Peter Najjar​Peter Najjar​
Assistant Professor of Surgery ​Medical Director for Clinical Operations​
Armstrong Institution for Patient Safety ​& Quality, School of Medicine​
Vicky NguyenVicky Nguyen
Professor and Marin U. Zimmerman, Jr. Faculty Scholar​
Whiting School of Engineering​
Jordan RippyJordan Rippy
Associate Professor​ of Practice &
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs​​

Carey Business School
Nara SobreiraNara Sobreira​
Associate Professor, Genetic Medicine​
School of Medicine​
Inés Valdez​Inés Valdez​
Associate Professor, Political Science​
Krieger School of Arts ​and Sciences​
Melissa Walls​Melissa Walls
Professor International Health​
Bloomberg School of Public Heath